Monday, February 9, 2009

Night Boarding - February 7, 2009

Here is a video compilation of three videos that I made on Saturday night boarding at Brighton. It was a blast! The video is shaky. I took it with my camera while riding the lift, and then on the way down the mountain! So a little crazy cuz my hand froze. I will make better ones for the future. This is the first of many to come (hopefully!). Enjoy!!


Unknown said...

I'm impressed!

How did you carry that camera and not fall? I would have crashed-and gotten it on camera, too! Good video, ricky.

Jill said...

i don't believe you.

Jill said...

just kidding!! that was aweeesoommmee DAWG!!

Lia said...

i want to snowboard now!!!

Richard said...

The athlete in me thinks "WOW" and the mother in me thinks "it's better that I don't think".

I'm so glad you have so much fun but I'm more glad that you are still here to tell the story, (or make the movie,in this case).

You are pretty crazy with the camera. I am impressed by that.