Saturday, March 15, 2008

Winter times

It's been a pretty good '08 so far. Just been spending most of my time doing school and having a good 'ol time with friends. This winter I went snowboarding for the first time and I loved it!! I have been twice so far and I just want to keep going back. I had the chance to go last december but I still wasn't very confident with my knee, so I told my self that I would work on strengthening it so I could go in January or February. It all started with Sarah calling me one night and asking me to go. I was like, "Heck yeah!" She even said that she and Greg would provide everything for me- all the equipment and even the lift pass!! Pimp!!!

I have to admit, when I first got up there to the ski resort I was pretty nervous. I had heard about how much you fall and get banged up, especially the first time you go. Despite my nervousness I was confident and felt somewhat prepared, mostly because of the you tube videos I watched on "how to snowboard." I mean, c'mon I couldn't be that hard could it?? Old folks do it!! Four-year olds do it!! So I said to myself, "This stud is gonna shred some sick powder!!"

Once I went down the bunny slope a few times I realized that the powder(snow) was doing most of the shredding and not me. In other words, the bunny slope was kicking my trash. By the end of the night I caught on quite a bit. It also completely wore me out.

About a week later I went back again with Sarah and she videoed my progress!! (click play)


Unknown said...

You rock, Rick. I still can't believe how quickly you caught on to snowboarding! People who have never tried cannot understand how amazing it is that you got that good that fast!

Kelly said...

Yo Rick! You look like a natural on the snow!!